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© Winter Beaumont 2025
Winter Beaumont
Winter Beaumont is an artist and occultist based in the UK. Their work incorporates ritual performance and visionary praxis into the combined mediums of installation, assemblage, and drawing. Winter is a Fine Art graduate of Goldsmiths College, London, and a long-standing member of the artist led project space and collective, Chaos Magic in Nottingham. Their current research is aimed at investigating and experimenting with relationships between madness and the occult, born out of observations on how their own experiences with bipolar disorder interact with the processes of esoteric spirituality. Winter's work is a transmutative art of creation and performance. Harnessing processes taken from traditional witchcraft and contemporary sorcery, Winter manipulates the borders between the real and the imagined; between the earthly and the otherworldly. They populate spaces with graven images, forms, and actions, conjured from transgressive magickal processes aimed at bringing the ineffable experiences of divine psychosis and radical spiritual gnosis into contact with the crisis of present reality.
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diallelus noun. (Latin < Greek di allelon "through or by means of one another")
1. In logic, a circle in proof; an attempt to prove one proposition by another
which is itself proved only by the first.
2. Also known as Infinite Regress, a problem in pistemology and, in general,
a problem in any situation where a statement has to be justified. According to this argument,
any proposition requires a justification. However, any justification itself requires support.
This means that any proposition whatsoever can be endlessly (infinitely) questioned.